One month ago myself and my mum started using LiLash* and Librow*, my mum using Lilash and I started using Librow. My mum has incredibly short eye lashes so I really wanted to see if this does work so I thought it would be best for her to trail it as I have quite long eye lashes. I have very small eye brows and I really struggle to get them to grow which is why I am trailing the brow version. Both products are purified serums which when applied daily for the first three months, then every other day after the three months period, it help increase growth in the brows and lashes. 

I was a little bit unsure if these products where going to work but I didn't need to be worried because both myself and my mum have already started to notice improvements and we still have two months to go. To apply Lilash you apply a small amount like you would to apply eyeliner to your upper lash line but wait a couple of minutes before applying your make up to let it dry, To apply Librow you take a small amount and apply it to the arch of your brow and any places that you want to increase growth.
My mum has had incredible results with Lilash already and it is really noticeable by others how much her lashes have improved. Not only are they already so much longer, they look thicker too. She has quite sensitive skin and has no problems or irritations with Lilash. It dries really quickly once it has been applied so there was not too long of a wait before make up could be applied. My mum cant say enough good things about this product already and I have caught her recommending it to people already.
Librow is one of those products that is going to take a while before you see results which can be a little bit frustrating but it will be worth it in the end. I have started to see a change the last ten days and I am loving it so far. My brows are growing in so much quicker than they were before I started using this and they are thicker and darker which is a bonus. My brows have always been really small small and I have noticed a big improvement in growth at the start of my brow so hopefully I will have power brows in no time! I have very sensitive skin and have had no issues with this at all.
I don't want to include any before and after photos until the three months is up so you can really see the difference. I will update again in one month!
Have you tried Librow or Lilash? What did you think?
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